You’ve felt this way since you were a child. You’ve known there was something different about you. Your every day experience is distinct from those around you. The spirits speak to you. 

But you have a problem. 

How do you function in a world that doesn’t understand what it’s like to be who you are? How do you process your experience and understand what is really going on? How do you stay grounded when it feels like the world doesn’t understand you?

You want to let go of feeling like the black sheep. You want to step into your true power. You want to find a way to connect to that sense of power you feel deep within you. 

You feel the herbs and the earth and the animals calling to you at every turn. There’s something ancient that you sense. You wonder if this has existed in your family before or if the old ways of the celts and the druids would be more authentic to your path. 

You spend your nights researching different kinds of herbs and trying to find out more about crystals. You’ve spent time developing your spiritual path. The Buddha statue in your bedroom brings you a sense of peace every time you look at it. The Ganesha statue reminds you that obstacles can be removed and that there is more going on here than meets the eye. 

But your soul longs for more. And you’re not even sure what that more is, you just know you can feel it. You feel it every where you go. You wonder if others have had this experience. If maybe you’re not the only one. And you really wish you could ask your grandmother or your great grandmother.

You start to ask yourself the question . . . has anyone in my family ever been a witch? What does it even mean to be a witch? Are witches real or is that just some term society made up? Would this explain my experience of life? Is this why I feel different? Is this the power I feel within me?

Now you’re curious and your researching things like ~ how do you know if you’re a witch? Is witchcraft hereditary? Are spells real? How do I cast them? Do I have to be Wiccan to be a witch? What are other witchcraft paths?

Now you’re starting to feel a hunger, a longing, a calling. You want to know more, you want to go deeper. You want to sit in the kitchen with your grandmother and talk for hours about this. 

But then you remember, you can’t do that. Because your family doesn’t understand. You’re the black sheep. You’ve always been the black sheep. You’re the one who’s always been just a little different. But you know the truth, you’re a lot different. And while you kind of like it, you’re sick of feeling this way.

You want to find a way to access your true power. To be who you really are. To connect on a deeper level. You want to answer your true calling. But you have no idea how to do that. You’ve got some books, you’ve done some research. You’re kinda connected with your spirit guides. But it all feels a little nebulous and ungrounded. There’s no one in your family you can talk to and your therapist can only get you so far.

You’re craving a mentor, an auntie, that familial connection of the people who understand you, where you can just be yourself and learn the craft you so deeply desire to get to know.

I understand your journey completely because ~ this was my journey. It’s why I created the Soul of Witchcraft. A place where you can come home to yourself as a witch and find that connection for which you’ve been longing. Hi, I’m Alexandra. 

Allow me to introduce myself, tell you more about my story, and welcome you home.


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Spellcraft, Witchcraft, Magic. Intimately crafted content each week from my personal book of spells, research, and teachings. Connect with the Old Ways.